Add or Change Printer


Add or change the default printer for the Colleague application.



When an employee needs to print from Colleague they must add or change their default printer in Colleague to do so. New employees may need to assign a default printer. Employees who change locations, positions, or departments may also need to reassign their printer.

NOTE: The ability to print from Colleague is not controlled by any sort of security class or rights and permissions. 


Colleague Users

Impacted Systems

Colleague Production


1. Log into Colleague PROD using your Tulsa Tech Username and Password.

2. Navigate to the Customer TTC Parameters screen. In the form search at the top of your Colleague screen type XCTP and press enter.

3. In the Default Printer field, search for your location. To search for your location, type three dots and then your location and then three dots, like so "...BA..." and press enter.

4. A list of Valid Printer Names will appear. Double-click on your printer name to add it as your Default Printer.

5. If you are a user at a Campus Attendance Desk who will print Tardy Slips, you may change the number of Copies printed each time a transaction is run to more than 1. If you will not be printing tardy slips, leave the number of copies as 1. 

6. The Use SecurePrint box will default to No. Effective July 22, 2022, secure printing will no longer be used to print from Colleague due to Two-factor authentication (2FA).

7. In the Default SLIP Printer field, search for a receipt printer. To search for a receipt printer, type three dots and then the word ‘receipt’ like so “…receipt…” and press enter.

8. A list of Valid Printer Names will appear. Double-click on your printer name to add it as your Default SLIP Printer.



Article ID: 138278
Tue 3/1/22 11:47 AM
Wed 4/3/24 11:16 AM