Report Filters



Filtering makes it possible to reduce the records in a dataset, data view, dashboard, or ad-hoc report to less records based on criteria (e.g., only those records that are for the term 2023LT or only those persons with gender F).



Adding a Filter

1. Click the "+ Filter" link.

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2. Select the field you would like to filter on by clicking on it.

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3. As the default choice, you will be able to pick values you want to include. Click the check boxes in front of the values you want to retain.

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4. To specify a value instead, click the down arrow/triangle next to "Distinct values" and change it to "Enter value."

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5. Type in the value you would like to filter by. Note that you could type in additional values with the "+" link.

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6. Press "Close" at the bottom.

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Removing a Filter

After adding a filter, you can remove the filter again by clicking the "x" immediately next to the description.

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Article ID: 146558
Wed 7/19/23 1:49 PM
Wed 4/3/24 10:31 AM