Coursedog: Changing Email Notification Frequency

Tags coursedog

Proposals will trigger email notifications, including notifications for requests awaiting the user's review and reminders. Users dealing with large volumes of requests may wish to receive a daily email digest rather than immediate notifications to minimize the number of emails received.

To specify the desired notification setting, go to the User Profile Icon > Account Settings.

These settings only apply to email notifications that notify users that a request has reached their step in the workflow.

Frequency Options:


If set to immediate, the system will send out request workflow notifications to users as soon as the request reaches their step in the workflow (this is the default). 

Daily Digest

If set to daily digest, users will get a single email that captures all requests that moved to their workflow step in the last 24 hours. 

If no requests moved into the user's workflow step in the last 24 hours, no email will be sent.

The daily digest email will include a link that redirects the user to the appropriate request dashboard page.

The daily digest will show how many notifications of each event occurred. 

Daily Digest Email Example:

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Article ID: 142304
Wed 10/5/22 8:29 AM
Tue 11/15/22 10:27 AM