Coursedog: Managing Curriculum Proposals

Tags coursedog

Curriculum Management Overview

  • Allows users to auto-send curriculum proposals and email notifications with workflows.
  • Act on proposals with a personalized voting dashboard and create a searchable, digital archive of all proposals, courses, and programs.

Proposals Overview

  • Coursedog makes it easy to manage any proposals you’ve created or need to vote and/or comment on.
  • To see proposals, go to Curriculum Management > Proposals (left-hand navigation)

Proposal Categories
From the proposals dashboard you can quickly see all relevant proposals organized into five different categories:

Vote Required

“Vote Required” includes all requests where the user must cast a vote to move the request along the workflow. For all intents and purposes, this is where users should navigate to for their action items.

Assigned to Me
“Assigned to Me” shows requests that the user did not create where they have already voted, have yet to vote, or where they were intended to vote before someone else force approved (therefore no longer requiring their vote). This tab is helpful, amongst other things, for record-keeping purposes, as it shows requests the user has already voted on.

Created by Me

“Created by Me” only shows those requests created by the user themselves.

All Requests
“All Requests” shows all requests in the system, regardless of whether the user is associated with it.

Archived Requests

“Archived Requests” shows the requests that were archived (by users with the “Archive Requests” permission set to ALLOW). Note that archiving a request does not remove it from the “All Requests” or “Created By Me” tabs, but it does apply a visual label to the request to indicate it has been Archived.

Filtering Proposals

At the top of the screen, you may filter by document type (drop down menu) or use advanced filters for additional options.

“Status” and “Departments” are both multi-select fields (you can filter for more than one status and/or more than one department).

Voting on a Proposal

If you have a proposal listed in the Vote Required section, click on the proposal, a dashboard will appear in which you may vote and/or comment.

Viewing Changes

To see the changes you are voting on, select the “Changes” tab.

Note: Once a proposal is approved, the proposal change log will not display changes, as the course object or program object has been approved and the changes have been reflected. 

Submitting a Decision and/or Entering a Comment
You may place your vote and/or enter a comment in the Proposal Toolbox on the right side. 

Proposal Route Back
If enabled, users may "route back" a proposal to a prior step.

1.       User selects "route back".

2.       User selects the step to route back to. and action upon return (i.e. how the proposal is routed back to the step that originated the route


Tracking a Proposal
To view the status of an existing proposal, navigate to the proposal and select “Workflow” in the Proposal Toolbox on the right.

You will see the steps the proposal has been through and needs to pass through to be approved.

Download & Print Proposals

You may download proposals as a PDF with a cover page and table of contents. This can be accessed by clicking "Download PDF" at the top of the proposal toolbox.

PDF Options

·         Clicking “Download PDF” opens the modal below.

·         In this modal, you can determine:

o  If the cover page should be included.

o  If the table of contents should be included.

o  If the cover page should include content, and which card the content should be pulled from.

o  The header date of the PDF.