Coursedog: Proposal Categories

Tags coursedog


Quickly see relevant proposals from the proposals dashboard. 


Coursedog users who view and/or approve proposals.


From the proposals dashboard you can quickly see all relevant proposals organized into five different categories: Vote Required, Assigned to Me, Created by Me, All Requests, and Archived Requests.

Vote Required
“Vote Required” includes all requests where the user must cast a vote to move the request along the workflow. For all intents and purposes, this is where users should navigate to for their action items.

Assigned to Me
“Assigned to Me” shows requests that the user did not create where they have already voted, have yet to vote, or where they were intended to vote before someone else force approved (therefore no longer requiring their vote). This tab is helpful, amongst other things, for record-keeping purposes, as it shows requests the user has already voted on.

Created by Me
“Created by Me” only shows those requests created by the user themselves.

All Requests
“All Requests” shows all requests in the system, regardless of whether or not the user is associated with it.

Archived Requests
“Archived Requests” shows the requests that were archived (by users with the “Archive Requests” permission set to ALLOW). Note that archiving a request removes it from the “All Requests” or “Created By Me” tabs.

Note: While all proposals will be displayed in the dashboard, any Add/Edit proposals for Courses or Programs that have since been deleted will not be accessible (clicking into the Add/Edit proposal will result in a 404 error).

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Article ID: 142474
Wed 10/12/22 4:09 PM
Tue 10/18/22 7:20 AM