How to export a clip from Ocularis

There are multiple reasons to export a camera clip from Ocularis. Deputies may need a clip for evidence or an investigation. Insurance may need video of an accident. Testing proctors may need to supply a clip to the FAA or other regulating body. Most cameras have a 14 day retention for footage, but some testing cells can go back as far as 30 days.

Video clips and still frames have the camera name and time stamps turned on by default, but you can remove them by clicking the gear icon just before the final export.

  1. Launch OC Client (64-bit) from your Desktop.
  2. Set Server to OcularisCore1 and Authentication to Current Windows User, then Log In.
  3. Right-click and select Cameras Uploaded Image (Thumbnail).
  4. Choose the camera you want to see footage for from the list, such as RS Testing 2.
  5. Click Browse at the top to bring up time controls.
  6. Click on the clock Clock Icon in the controls at the bottom left.
  7. Enter the date and time you want to start from.
  8. Position the time line at the desired starting point for the exported segment, and click Set Start Marker Uploaded Image (Thumbnail).
  9. Position the time line at the ending point by dragging it or playing the video, then click Set Stop Marker Uploaded Image (Thumbnail). The selected segment will be displayed by a faint yellow bar in the center.
  10. Click Export. Choose AVI format, unless you need individual frames as screenshots.
  11. Click ... to choose the location to save the file, then name the file.
  12. Click the gear if you need to toggle off the camera name or time stamp.
  13. Click Export. It may take a moment to complete, and a notification will pop up in the top left when it does.