Blackboard - Missing Student

Service Information

Do you have missing students from a Blackboard class? No worries, simply submit the form by providing the necessary information requested and ITS will handle the rest! Please submit one ticket per class. If you are missing more than one student from a single class, please list the Student Name’s and Student ID’s separated by commas in their respective fields.

Why are students missing from Blackboard?

  • Their registration in the class in Colleague does not have a “N - New” registration status.
  • Their email address in Colleague has not yet updated to their Tulsa Tech email address.
  • They can be missing from the class in Blackboard even though they were registered before the class start date has occurred.
  • They can be missing from the class in Blackboard even though they were registered after the class start date has occurred.

Submit Form (Request Service)

Fields with an asterisk on the form are required to submit the request.

  • Client Group
    • Select whether the Client Group relates to “ACD, BIS, or Full Time Programs.”
  • Instructor Name
    • Enter the Instructor Name if different than the Requestor submitting the form.
  • Student Name
    • Enter the student’s name who is missing from the Blackboard class.
  • Tulsa Tech Student ID (Colleague ID)
    • Enter the Colleague ID of the student missing from the Blackboard class.
  • Colleague Section Name/Course ID
    • Enter the Section Name the student is missing from.
      • Example: 2022ST HLTH-3336-S6011 or HLTH-3336-S6011
  • Has it been confirmed if the student is enrolled in this section in Colleague?
    • Select either “Yes” or “No”

Ticket Process

Once the Blackboard Missing Student request has been submitted, it is automatically assigned to the Enterprise Applications team. They will take responsibility of the ticket and begin processing a bulk import. They may find additional issues with the student’s records that require further resolution. The requestor who submitted the ticket will then receive notification stating a bulk import process has been completed and the student now appears in the Blackboard class. ITS will update the ticket to “Resolved”.