Scan and Save Document(s) to Grooper Scans Folder

PURPOSE: Information on how users are to scan files into the Grooper Scan folders.

AUDIENCE: Grooper Users




  1. Scan complied documents using any of the District Printers
    1. Default PDF scan quality should suffice
  2. Email the PDF to your email inbox
  3. Save the file from your email into the “1 – PDF” folder
    1. Name it using the following standards based on what you are working on:
      1. For Erate – Erate{two digit year}{_batch # if multiple batches in one day}–{Scanner Initials}
      2. For FERPA - FERPA{two digit year}{batch # if multiple batches in one day}–{Scanner Initials}

Proceed to the Knowledge Based Article Labeled "Grooper - Export PDF Page(s) as JPEG Images"