Ocularis View Management

The district camera system is broken into groups based on location or instructional use. Views and camera assignments should adhere strongly to these groups.


All cameras will exist in at least one group, TTC Full. This is the group administrators and the TCSO deputies use to monitor cameras across the district. Group members are not allowed to change the views due to the critical nature of having full access to the cameras, but administrators are. Administrators include some IT staff, Safety and Security staff, and TCSO contractors.

All cameras will exist in a location group, such as BA Limited or District Exterior Views. A camera should only exist in one of these at a time. There is no need for a BA camera to be in a Peoria view. Some cameras may exist in an instructional group. These include CSC Testing, PEO CLL, and RS Testing. These groups are extremely limited and are used to proctor tests and monitor children.

Data Export

Only administrators or those with access to the TTC Full group have the ability to export data. This should be done in compliance with the Tulsa Tech Policy Manual. Refer to How to export a clip from Ocularis for information on exports.

Managing Views

Any change you make to a view is visible to all members of that group. If you change the layout or camera assignments for the CSC Limited view 1st Floor, all users who use that view will see the change.

All users are allowed to create their own private views that only they can manage based on the cameras that they have access to. Neither IT nor Safety and Security can assist with these views because they will not have access to them.

Logging in to Ocularis Administrator

  1. Launch Ocularis Administrator on your Desktop. If you do not have it, then you have not been granted access to the application.
  2. The login info should already be remembered if you've used the system before. Both the Admin account and safety account are able to manage views. If the account information is missing, contact IT to enter the credentials again.
  3. Click Log In.

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Accessing the Views

  1. Select the Views tab.
  2. Expand the folder for the group you want to modify. Expand the Private folder.
  3. Select the Tulsatech user or user group to modify. Mostly only have one.

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Adding New Views

  1. Click the New View button Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) and select the view template you want from the list. If you aren't sure, select something like 2x2 to start.
  2. If you want to change the view template, right-click on the new view and choose Convert View. You can select from the templates on the left and see a sample layout on the right. Click Select to finalize your choice.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  3. Right-click on the new view and choose Rename. Name the view appropriately, such as 1st Floor or West Grounds.

Modifying Views

  1. Select the Cameras tab in the lower left corner and expand the All folder.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  2. Search for the camera you want in the search field or just scroll to find the camera you want. All cameras listed are cameras that group has access to.
  3. Drag the camera to the desired spot on the view.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    • If a camera is already there, it will be replaced.
    • If both cameras are on the view, drag one to the other and they will switch places.
    • You can shift-click to multiple select cameras and drag them onto the view, then rearrange as necessary.

Using Carousels and Hot Spots

Carousels cycle to different camera views. You can manage the carousel cycle of a particular slot in a view by clicking on the carousel icon Uploaded Image (Thumbnail). Drag cameras from the cameras list on the left to the section on the left and order them as you please. You may set the default time that each camera is shown.

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Hot Spots are available to be added from the Built-in tab the same way you would add a camera. Hot spots are an empty pane that is filled in by the selected camera. Usually the Hot spot is the largest pane in the view, making it easier to see a small image. The user just clicks on the hot spot, then clicks a camera and it shows it in a larger view.

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Article ID: 146071
Wed 6/7/23 3:05 PM
Wed 6/7/23 3:43 PM