Instructors: Automatically have access to students enrolled in their sections within Colleague.
Staff Members: Authorized personnel may search for students by name or class codes.
Internet Connection: A reliable connection is required to access the Rapid Identity portal.
Student Information: Have the student’s first and last name, Tulsa Tech username, or Colleague ID ready.
The views available in the People Portal depend on your job responsibilities. Follow the steps below to find a student based on your assigned view(s).
Full-Time Instructors: Contact the Registrar’s Office to verify the student’s registration status within Colleague. ACD & BIS Instructors: Contact your Coordinator to confirm registration in both Enrole and Colleague.
A: Password resets take effect immediately.
A: The student will be required to select a new pictograph when they log in again.
A: Accounts typically lock due to multiple incorrect login attempts. Unlocking the account allows the student to attempt logging in again.